LMOOCs for university students on the move

Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Convention n°2018-1-FR01-KA203-048165

The project MOOC2move aims at creating a learning path which will facilitate the development of linguistic fluency in academic contexts, supporting the student in acquiring this fluency by proposing methods and support in applying these methods. The “learning how to learn” approach is assumed to be both multidisciplinary (the project will concentrate on methods which can be applied in many domains, like note-taking, performing a short oral presentation supported by slides, interpreting figures, writing a summary, etc.).

The project centres on the production of two MOOCs (1 for Spanish, 1 for French) in order to make it accessible to the largest number of students on the move. They will be designed for self-study, to make them accessible even while attending other language courses or while studying abroad. The development of language skills will take place together with the acquisition of the ability to learn how to learn.

Mooc 2 Move


Open Educational Resources available online in French and Spanish

The MOOC2Move Project team is pleased to announce that a series of Open Educational Resources (OER) are now available...

Project Newsletter Issue # 3 – February 2021

Project Newsletter Issue # 3 – February 2021

Welcome to the English version of the third newsletter in four languages (IT, FR, ES, EN) devoted to the project...


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